Back from blog hiatus with the most fun family!
Full disclosure. My blog went on a 4 month hiatus. I was thinking about deleting it altogether because, to be totally transparent, it's hard to keep up with! But, I also really want to share my recent work with everyone and dote on my amazing clients, and a blog is the best way to do that. So I apologize for the lack of updates and I vow to do better!
It's been overwhelmingly busy this year (fantastic problem to have!) so a little break from blogging was actually a good thing because my turnaround time for client photos has been on point. But now I have A LOT of catching up to do! Starting with the Wheeler family (from earlier this April) They were so amazing though! A very close family with hilarious chemistry, madly in love grandparents, a little break for a quick yoga session and a couple of the cutest kiddos! Perfect excuse to start blogging again. Enjoy a few of my favorites from their shoot!